Odoo CMS - a big picture


The COVID-19 and the resulting Movement Control Order have greatly impacted the lives of many Malaysians. 

Other than the health risks, the stress on the economy and employment are also of concern to many people.

The Department of Statistics Malaysia conducted an online survey of 168,182 respondents aged 15 and above from the 23rd – 31st March 2020 to better understand the effects of Covid-19 on the economy and individual.



Odoo CMS - a big picture

Breakdown of the areas the respondents are from, their sex and the ethnicity.



Odoo CMS - a big picture


Breakdown of the employment status of the survey respondents



Odoo CMS - a big picture

Diagram shows the percentage of respondents per sector who have lost their jobs to date due to the Covid-19 outbreak.



Odoo CMS - a big picture
Diagram looks at the percentage of respondents who claim are most affected vs those who are least affected by the MCO. 

It also shows that more than half of the self-employed and employers are not financially prepared for a full lockdown.



Odoo CMS - a big picture

The diagram shows what the number of months of savings for the majority of respondents in each employment category. 

More than 71.4% of self-employed respondents have less than ONE month of savings, 
77.2% of employers and 82.7% of private employees have only TWO months of savings, 
while 78.9% of GLC employees and 75.2% of MNC employees have FOUR months of savings. 



Odoo CMS - a big picture

Diagram looks at the percentage of self-employed worker who have lost their jobs and the decline in income for those who are still employed.


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